Estuaries are coastal locations where fresh and salt water mix at the mouths of rivers entering into the ocean. Estuaries are regions of high biological diversity and contain unique species specially adapted to living in this environment. Eastern Lilaeopsis is an Atlantic Coastal Plain Flora species at risk that is found in estuaries.

Any type of shoreline alteration requires a permit.
Contact the Department of Natural Resources before you modify the shoreline area below the ordinary high water mark. Keep in mind that habitat around estuaries generally includes wetlands such as salt marshes and that any type of wetland alteration requires approval from Nova Scotia Environment (refer to 'Contact Information' page).

If you live or work near Eastern Lilaeopsis habitat take special precautions not to disturb or impact this species in estuaries at the mouth of the Phillip, LaHave, Medway, Annis, Roseway, and Tusket Rivers.

Follow the lake shoreline practices outlined in this guide.
These practices are applicable to any shoreline area including rivers and estuaries.

Eastern Lilaeopsis in July          Under Saltwater Cordgrass        Start of flower formation          Estuary habitat

The Living By Water Project
The publication “On the Living Edge: Your Handbook for Waterfront Living” is available to order for $15 under resources (the BC version provides tips for both fresh and saltwater habitats).