Nova Scotia's Species at Risk: Municipal & Community Stewardship

Species at Risk in Your Municipality


Annapolis | Antigonish | Argyle | Barrington | Cape Breton | Chester | ClareColchester | Cumberland | Digby | East HantsGuysborough | Halifax | Inverness | Kings | Lunenburg | Pictou | Queens | Richmond | Shelburne | St. Mary's | Victoria | West Hants | Yarmouth

Municipality of the District of Digby
There are 4 species at risk including: 1 bird, 1 mammal, and 2 plants. 

Click on the photo to view additional information on each species.

Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus)
National Status - Special Concern
Provincial Status - Endangered
Moose (Mainland Population) (Alces alces americana)
Nationally - not listed
Provincially - Endangered
Eastern Mountain Avens (Geum peckii)
National Status - Endangered
Provincial Status - Endangered
Golden-crest (Lophiola aurea
National Status - Threatened
Provincial Status - Threatened
Visit the Species Status Page for an explanation of national & provincial status.

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